Edu-Camp 2019 for P4 & P5

JAC Primary 4 and 5 Surabaya has been visited Bhakti Alam Edu-Camp Pasuruan on 18th – 19th October 2019. Most students’ grade 4 and 5 had joined it and had fun. They were excited with all activities. Even the schedule till night they still had spirit and enthusiast following all the activities.
Before we went to camp, students were met is sport hall for briefing, they looked so happy and at 7.30 a.m three buses contain of 144 students and 18 teachers from Surabaya went to Bhakti Alam, we took around one and half hours and arrived to Bhakti Alam at 9.30 a.m. Arriving there, “Kereta Kelinci” had waiting and sent us to “Pendopo”.
Many activities and rules that students needed to follow and obey. They were tired but still happy. In Pendopo, they had ice breaking from Bhakti Alam team, students enjoyed as they had battle between grade 4 and 5.
After ice breaking, they had break and lunch and activities started again at 1p.m. the next activities were out bond, they had rotation games, flying fox, “titian tali”, two lines bridge and V-bridge. At night, they had character building and bonfire party.

At 10.00 p.m they were allowed to sleep. The schedule was so crowed but at 4 a.m they had already woken up. Then 5.30 a.m we had morning exercise and tracking. After having breakfast, we had continued our schedule “menanam padi, perah sapi, pengelolaan biogas, pembuatan kripik”, and touring around Bhakti Alam area.
They also could buy organic fruits and vegetables. The activities ended at 11.00 a.m and we had back to Pendopo and prepared to go back to Surabaya.
Bhakti Alam also gave us souvenir “Mango tree” hope all students have plant that at home. That all our education camping from JAC Primary Surabaya School.