Kepala Bidang Pendidikan Dasar, Dra. Eko Prasetyoningsih, M.Pd. accompanied by Kadispendik Surabaya, handed the Student-Achievement-Champion Trophy to Michael Wahayu of SD JAC Surabaya who successfully won the third place champion for city-level for the academic year 2015. The student who won is representative of the students that have been selected from each district. The first day, the student representatives from each district participated in the selection of the academic tests in the form of a written test. Then on the second day following the selection of the non-academic fields include arts, singing, dancing, speeches or any other skill.
Kepala Bidang Pendidikan Dasar, Dra. Eko Prasetyoningsih, M.Pd. added, not only the students’ potential in the field of non-academic academic world but also to the attention of the jury. In addition, students also took the test interview.