Christmas Celebration 2017

(Ni Luh Ayu) Christmas is coming! JAC School held an event to celebrate Christmas. JAC High School Christmas celebration was held twice. The first was a celebration at Ciputra World Surabaya on Saturday, September 9. This event was the collaboration with Primary. There were a lot of performance such as Dancing, Singing, and Orchestra. As the opening, Allison and Christoper sang a song titled ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town’. The next performance was Hip-hop dance by G8 (Devon, Clea, Nathania, Clarissa, Kelly and Shino), Next, followed by Solo singing by Drea, she sang a song titled Winter Wonderland. And the last was Hip-hop dance by G9-10 (Hazel, Stevy, Wannie, Michelle Chan, Cheryl, Amanda and Astrid).
On Friday, December, 15 2017, there was a Christmas Celebration at School. Our theme was ‘conquer from within’. In this event was filled by a lot of performances and activities. There were orchestra by G8, G9 and collaboration among G10, G11 and G12; duo singer by Allison and Christoper; solo singer by Drea; and Hip-hop Dance by G8, 9 and 10. There was also a trainer from Universitas Ciputra, Mr Ersa Lanang Sanjaya, S.Psi, M.Si. He gave the students some motivation about conquer from within, so that the students become better students from the personality and achievement. The students felt enthusiast to hear the advice. Next, the students exchanged their present and the last the students were shaking hands with the teachers. The teachers also gave a bookmark about life quote. All of the students felt happy, not only because of exchange present and watched the performances, but also because of advice which they got from the trainer and the life quote which is able to motivate them to be better and brighter students in the next year.

Merry Christmas 2017 and Happy New Year 2018 !