G7 Edutrip to Rumah Batik

G7B reported by Natalie

On 20th of January, we went to Rumah Batik by school car and It took around 1 hour to get there. Upon arrival to Rumah Batik, the owner welcomed us warmly. He explained us the history of Batik in Indonesia as well as types of Batik. This activity was really exciting and fun. We also got the chance to draw our Batik pattern by our own (on a piece of fabric! That’s really awesome!!). At first, we found it is very difficult to draw the pattern because we have to use special pen (Canting) to draw it on a piece of fabric. Luckily, the Batik trainers (who is, of course very professional) assisted and showed us how to use Canting correctly and carefully (because the wax is very hot, though). As this is our first time to use Canting (to be honest, we do really enjoy it!) we didn’t realised that our voice is pretty noisy.
Furthermore, this Edu trip was interesting activity for us, since we finally know the types and histories of Batik in Indonesia. During this activity, we also found some interesting souvenir made of Batik cloth, such as pin and hairclip. Me and my friends decided to buy some because it is very interesting and cool. This activity was much fun, and we do hope we can visit Rumah Batik.
We never been there before, so just too excited to see Batik crafts, from hair pin, accessories to clothes. There is a lot of different kinds of Batik and also a lot of accessories that is made out of Batik like keychain and hairclip. Since the accessories is cute, I decided to buy one. After we’re done, we go back to school. And while going back to school, I and my friends were having a great and fun time. I hope that, we can visit Rumah Batik again.

G7A reported by Kiera

On Tuesday, 22nd of January 2019, all G7A students went to Rumah Batik which is located in Kenjeran. We gathered at our school around 6.45. It took 2 hours to reach our destination. We went there by school cars, one for boys and the other car was for girls. We can’t stop singing and teasing each other, we were singing and laughing out loud on the way to Rumah Batik! You can just imagine it how noisy we are?! At least there were 10 students in a car!
After we reached there, the owner greeted us warmly and offered us to join in a game. We did the game enthusiastically, fortunately we still have the energy to shout and lough. After the game, the owner then directly shown us how to draw Batik pattern by using Canting. But since the wax was so hot (I tell you the truth, it was so hot, I burnt my hands several times!) we must be very careful and of course we will be assisted by some trainers (the professional one! Each students got their Batik fabric and they started to draw pattern (most of us struggled to finish it). After we have finished drawing the pattern then we coloured it. The available colours were only blue and red. While waiting for our fabric to dry, we had lunch together. We went back to school at 12 noon. We were so tired at that time, most of us fell a sleep on the way to the school.