Parents Workshop G9 and G12

JAC School, Surabaya – Reaching grade 9 and grade 12, is really crucial yet critical moments. For grade 9 students, they will face Ujian Nasional (UNBK) to continue to their education to the next level. Meanwhile, the situation is pretty tough for Grade 12 students. Not only facing UNBK but they also have to choose the right University and academic major for their future. JAC School which commit to help our students to achieve maximum potential held Parents Workshop (read: PW) on Saturday (27/7). The event which divided into 2 sessions, at 07.00 for G9 PW and at 09.00 for G12 PW, took place in Futsal Hall. During this event, parents will be explained about the school activities throught the year, High school facility, G10 – G12 class teacher and the school achievement also rules and regulation. Ms Wulan as Senior High school principal was explaining about G10-G12 academic activity, High school new programme, Introducing subject teachers, the high school scoring and evaluation, and such. Before beginning the activity, Vincent Lukito and Naura Iqbar Herasmana (G11) lead the prayers as they are chosen as Master of Ceremony. After explaining the academic activity, Ms Wulan was welcoming Vincent (G11) to explain about school achievements and facility meanwhile Naura (G11) was describing the events in Highschool for a 1-year-period and activites. Not only Vincent and Naura who attended this Saturday-event as person in charge but some other students also attended as Student committe. During this year, the school initiate a new idea about involving students in every activity. Not only to offer them certificate but also experience them managing an event. All students were stand by on their position around 9 sharp. Some of them were ushers meanwhile others were helping the teacher to write news, and in charge for audio video.
Following up Vincent and Naura explanation, Ms Rillie were excitingly explaining about Singapore study tour. She described the situation, aims, and facilities. However, some parents even asking some questions related to the programme. As we know that Ms. Rilie also one of the person in charge for school rules, so during this 2- hours- workshop, she also explained about school rules. “We have to introduce and explain clearly about the school rules in order to syncronise and understand our school’s system,” she explained. In the end of the workshop, Ms Dorlin explaining about learning goals towards career. “Students need to know about their goals so they know what to do to reach their dream and teachers will help and guide them to reach it,” Ms. Dorlin further explained.

VANIA (G11), edited by: HERLINA