University Visit September 2019

University visits is an important program for students who are in grade 10 or senior high school 1. The purpose of university visits is to increase JAC student’s knowledge of the university environment, the advantages and disadvantages of each university in visit.
The activity which was organized by the school began on September 23, 2019 – September 27, 2019. JAC visited Ciputra University on September 23, 2019 to be exact, the first day which was continued by visiting STIKOM.
We had chance to visit the biggest gadget company in the world APPLE.INC has released news about “APPLE DEVELOPER ACADEMY” which is focused on the continent of southeast Asia, and Apple itself has chosen 2 countries namely Singapore and Indonesia. In Indonesia, Ciputra University has collaborated with Apple to open an Apple Developer Academy in the UC building. During the visit to Ciputra University, we learnt many things from business to tourism.
I,Frentzen, felt that the first time when I was in the STIKOM building, I felt like was very impressed with the environment. It was good enough to be seen with a very large 3-storey library. All students were a little inactive when they were in the presentation room but the tour was very enjoyable. JAC students were taken to the telecommunications museum that had been opened by Mrs. Risma herself. The museum contains all electronic devices ranging from the oldest to the most recent. Such as: Morse code, fax, Nokia, iPad.
Surabaya University or abbreviated as UBAYA is one of the universities visited by JAC Surabaya. UBAYA University has 3 locations namely Ngagel, Tenggilis and Trawas. The location visited by JAC was in the Tenggilis which was founded in 1966 which was eventually changed to UBAYA in 1968.
On the different day, we went to Petra Christian University which is located on Siwalankerto Street, Surabaya. This university has the concept of LIGHT. Which means Love, Integrity, Growth, Humility, Truth.
Petra Christian University is also has got accredited “A” with the status of the first private university in East Java with accreditation A. The university has collaborated with many foreign countries including South Korea, the King Sejong Institute. Student activities at PETRA are to channel interest and talent to everyone. Second, it includes nature lovers, student regiments and debate clubs.
Next visit to Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember or better known by the abbreviation ITS is one of the largest university in Surabaya because it has a land area of 187 hectares with the nickname of the city campus. It is following philosophy about 10 November, “The soul and ideals of November 10, 1945 are the basis for the value of all ITS students”. ITS is an eco campus which means it is friendly but competitive campus area such as Singapore.
In the same day, we visited Perbanas Surabaya which has a vision to become a leading tertiary institution that has competitive advantages in international standard business and banking. For this reason Perbanas STIE always strives to carry out planned, systematic and sustainable activities in the academic, research and community service programs community and student affairs, as well as human resource development and infrastructure improvement and organizational capabilities. We learnt that all of which are intended to create quality education that can produce highly competitive graduates. The STIE PERBANAS bank laboratorium consists of two namely conventional operational banks and Syariah banking labs. The bank section consists of customer service, account officers, and tellers. This visit was about a special university in economics, where JAC students were taught about how to count money quickly and parts of a bank.
Finally we came to the last day of visits. UKWMS (Widya Mandala) is a university that receives Accreditation A from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (SK BAN-PT Number: 2994 / SK / BAN-PT / Accredited / PT / XII / 2016) and is known as one of 50 Promising Indonesian Universities by the Directorate General of Higher Education. UKWMS has received consecutive Award Excellence Campuses from 2010 to 2018 in the areas of Governance, Student Affairs, Research and Community Service from LLDIKTI VII East Java. UKWMS is also the only university in East Java that won the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) Award from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) in 2018. UKWMS has a value that is shared by every student such as caring, committee, and enthusiastic. Leading study of UKWMS: Pharmacy, Medicine, Nursing, Psychology, Philosophy, Fitkom, Industrial Engineering, Electro Engineering, and Food Technology.
Before we closed university visits program, we visited TELKOM SURABAYA which have Faculty of industry and information technology and Faculty of Electrical Engineering. It is known as the youngest campus in East Java which won ISO 21001: 2018. The faculties at Telkom are very good in terms of science and careers that have been achieved and the results of their graduate students who have achieved many achievements. IT TELKOM explained about information technology which is very interesting and useful for the future. The person in charge showed very skilled at presentations that can make the atmosphere in the place exciting to be enjoyed by everyone.
In short, JAC University Visit program lead the students to be open minded. The world is wide. We have many choices to be taken for our future, but the most important is never stop learning and keep having good characters. The future is on our hands. Our choice today will lead us to be what we will to be in the future.

Frentzen – G10, 2019
(Edited by Ms Wulan)

“ It’s not imjportant if you are a Social student (IPS) or Science student (IPA). What is important is study hard and always have persistence. That’s how to be a successful person. “.-FRENTZEN NS