K1 Cookery: Healthy Omelet

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Kindergarten 1 made the healthy omelet as our thematic healthy food on Term 1. Teachers had prepared some ingredients for making healthy omelet. There were eggs, carrots, meatballs, margarine, milk and cheese. We asked children to involve in cookery activity by bringing some ingredients, like eggs, cheese and meatballs.
We divide the cookery time into 2 sessions on that day. First session was K1B and K1C which held in K1B class and Ms. Leony was the chef on this session. It was started on 08.30-9.30. Second session was K1A, K1D and K1E which held in K1D class and Ms. Stella was the chef on this session. It was started on 10.30-11.30.
First, Ms. Leony and Ms. Stella showed and mentioned all ingredients to make healthy omelet to children. Then they showed step by step to make omelet. Children also involved in that activity by helping teachers cracking the eggs, grating the cheese and carrot, cutting the meatballs, pouring milk and also mixing all the ingredients. But before helping the teachers, they had to wash their hands.
After that, teachers shared the cooked omelet to children and asked them to taste it. They love the healthy omelet. Not only tasting the omelet at school, but the children also brought the omelet home to share to their family.