Kindergarten-1 Field Trip to TMII

Jakarta, October 9-10, 2017

Kindergarten 1 Kelapa Gading had field trip to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah on Monday and Tuesday, 9 & 10 October 2017. K1B, K1C and K1E students went to TMII on Monday, 9 Oct 2017 at 07:30-11:30. K1A and K1D students went to Taman Mini on Tuesday, 10 Oct 2017 at the same time. 89 children joined our field trip with 9-12 teachers each day by bus.
We went to Taman mini at 07.30 from school. The children were so happy because that is the first time for them to go field trip by bus with their friends and teachers. The sang along the journey to Taman Mini. We arrived at Taman Mini by 08.45.
Kindergarten 1 children learnt about Indonesian Ethnic Building and also visited Vihara, as our thematic was my special day, which has Vesak celebration as sub thematic. We went around Taman Mini by train and accompanied by guide. He explained about Gadang House and Vihara. The children were also excited to see some beautiful places in Taman Mini.
After enjoying to see around Taman Mini, we went back to the bus for snack time for 15 minutes. Then, we went back to school at 10.30 from Taman Mini. The children were falling asleep on the bus. We arrived at school at 11.20.