Kindergarten-2 Cookery

Kelapa Gading, September 14, 2017

Cookery is our routine activity in every term. For Term I, K2 cookery was making sushi. We divided into two sessions. The first session was for K2A and K2B which held in K2A class. The second session was for K2C, K2D and K2E in K2D class.
Before the day, children brought some cookery ingredients like seaweed and egg. They collected those things two days before. The other ingredient was prepared by school. They were so happy with cookery activity. Because they said they like to be chef.
Children helped teachers to prepare the ingredient and stuffs to cook. They washed their hands in line and sat attentively after that. Ms. Mary and Ms. Alo explained about the ingredient to make sushi. The ingredients were seaweed, rice, egg, carrot and mayonnaise.
We started to make sushi and teachers explained how to make sushi step by step. Children listened teachers attentively. Then teachers asked children to try making sushi one by one. They were so excited to come in front and tried to make their own sushi.
After they had done make their sushi, teachers asked them to sit down nicely and gave sushi to all children. They said the sushi was so yummy and wanted more. Not only tried the sushi but they also brought the sushi home, to share with their mom or dad.