Eid Mubarak and Independence Day

Jakarta, August 2, 2017

For the annual celebration, we have Eid Mubarak and Independence Day, that was held on 02 August 2017.
Eid Mubarak and Independence Day must be the joyous moments for every children. We can celebrate the eid Mubarak with many delicious food, and celebrate the independence day with contests.
This time the teacher has prepared the characteristic food from eid Mubarak, it was “lontong opor ayam”, most of them likes to eat that, some of them said that was “yummy miss, give me some more “. Through this Eid Mubarak celebration, it was the time for them to unite with all friends, sharing love and laugher.
Even though some of them don’t celebrate it, they need to be introduced to diversity so they can respect the difference in all people.
For the Independence Day, the children sing the national anthem and got involved in a race, carrying the flag.