Heroes Day KG

Role models, we all know serve great value in our lives. Children thought that some movie characters, just like Spiderman, Batman, Ironman and etc, were heroes, because they chose their heroes based on power. We wanted children to identify role models or heroes around their lives.
As we wanted to introduce children about heroes in their daily life, we held this event and also celebrated Heroes’ Day on November, 12th 2019. We had two sessions of this event. K2 started on 07:30-10:30 and K1 started on 10:30-13:00. 54 children joined those sessions.
We introduced some heroes around us by performing dramatic play. Some teachers were being policewoman, doctor, nurse, firefighter and teacher for performing the drama. Children easily recognized some heroes and understood the real heroes around them.
We also had 2 competitions, “Poetry Recitation Competition” for K2 and “Singing Indonesia Folk Song Competition” for K1. For each competition, we chose 3 winners, and for other participants we gave them certificates for joining the competition. All children were happy and with these competitions will help them to develop their self-confidence.