K2 Cookery Making Rum Ball

Jakarta, Tuesday, 21 November 2018

Cookery is our routine activity in every term. On term 2, K2 cookery was making rum ball. We had 1 session was for K2A, K2B, and K2C which held in K2B class with Ms. Tasya as the chef.
Children helped teachers to prepare the ingredient and stuff to cook. They washed their hands in line and sat attentively after that. Ms. Tasya explained about the ingredient to make rum ball. The ingredients were scrambled cookies, condensed milk, margarine, cheese, chocolate sprinkles.

Teachers explained how to make choco ball step by step. Children listened to teachers attentively. Then teachers asked children to join that activity, as mixing cookies, condensed milk, and margarine. After that make it circle and roll up with cheese and chocolate sprinkles
After that, teachers shared rum ball to children and asked them to taste it. They love the rum ball.