KG1- Cookery Making Healthy Corn Cheese

Jakarta, Thursday, 19 September 2019

Cookery is our routine activity in every term. On term 1, K1 cookery was making healthy corn cheese. We had one session and it was held in K1B class with Ms. Rini as the chef. It was started on 10.30-11.45.
Children helped teachers to prepare the ingredient and stuffs to cook. They washed their hands in line and sat attentively after that. The ingredients were corn, cheese, margarine, and condensed milk.
Teachers explained how to make corn cheese. Children listened teachers attentively. Then teachers asked children to join that activity, as peeling the boiled corn , grating the cheese, pouring milk and mixing all ingredients.
After that, teachers shared corn cheese to children and asked them to taste it. They loved the corn cheese. (Ms. Rere)