KG1- Field Trip to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

Jakarta, Wednesday, 9 October 2019

KG1 Students went to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah on Wednesday, 9 October 2019. We introduced kind of bird and traditional ethnic building at TMII Jakarta. We departed from JAC School by using medium bus at 07. 38 and arrived at TMII at 08.30. After arriving at TMII, we went to the restroom for around 15 minutes, so children could enjoy the tour. We bought some tickets and went to the bird park.
We started the tour to see some birds, accompanied by tour guide. They took a picture at bird park. Then, we continued touring to West Sumatera traditional house and took picture. There we finished our tour and went back to the bus. We returned to JAC School at 10.30 and arrived at school at 11.40. Children were very happy to see birds and traditional houses. They went home with the new stories and experience.