Playgroup field trip to Dapur Cokelat Kelapa Gading

Jakarta, October 17, 2017

For our first field trip in this year for PG2, held on 17th October 2017, the children went to “Dapur Cokelat”.
Why we choose “Dapur Cokelat ?” because most of the children likes chocolate, they must be already known about chocolate, they must be often and like to eat chocolate.
With this field trip the children learn about how to be a chef, how they can play and explore with chocolate.
They explore chocolate by making chocolate in the mold, with colorful chocolate and any kind of design (animal, flower, etc), make chocolate lollipop, and they learn how to decorate chocolate with cream and oreo on top.
The children were very happy and more happy when they get the goodie bag with lots of things inside, they brought the chocolate they have made (chocolate in the mold, lollipop chocolate and cupcake) and also the other stuff, gift from dapur cokelat. Thank You Dapur Cokelat, kids already have fun !