JAC, August 15-16, 2017

MIC (Multiple Intelligences Competition) is one of JAC Programs that is held annually. This program gives a chance for JAC primary students to develop their skills and passions both academically and physically.
MIC organizes academic and sport competitions. And this year MIC was coincided with Independence Day Celebration. It was held for two days, 15-16 August 2017.
The competitions that we had for MIC were Sport Fun Games (free kick, badminton, free throw), Spelling Bee, Rank 1, Singing, Spiritual, Coloring, Drawing and “Cerdas Cermat”. And we had some traditional games, Such as “balap karung, estafet kelereng dan bendera, estafet sarung, estafet kardus” for Independence Day Celebration.
The students enjoyed these events very much. Some of them even couldn’t wait for the next year event. Some of them brought home trophies and some didn’t, but it’s fine. They learnt to be sportive and tough. They learnt to be tough and love their homeland, their country Indonesisa.
By organizing these two events together, we hope that the kids will develop their skill and instill their nasionalms.