Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Primary 1 students are our youngest students in Primary. Even though they are so young, but they want to know more about the world where they live, the people and environment. And this field trip is organized to make our youngest students learn more about professions and what they want to be when they grow up.
Kidzania is educational indoor theme park located in Jakarta, Indonesia, Pacific Place L6 – 601 Sudirman Central Business. In Kidzania, Children experienced real life- like, pretending that they are adult and have good jobs.
Inside Kidzania, one can work on over 70 different professions (baker, TV anchor, employee in factories, etc). Some establishments require children to pay a significant amount of Kidzos (Money in kidzania). If one runs out of money, they must work in establishments that offer salaries in a significant amount of Kidzos.
The kids enjoyed this trip and experienced real life – like, pretending to be a baker, baking cake and bread, to be TV anchor and delivered the news on camera and much more. By experiencing this, we hope that the kids will learn about professions more realistic.